Online English Classes for Groups

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Discover a fun way to learn English
guided by ENL tutors.

online English classes for groups
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Level Introductory level - for those who are totally new to the subject area. This is the foundational level for learners who already have some introductory knowledge. The learner is well grounded, but still needs to build on the foundational knowledge. For learners who have solid foundational knowledge in the subject area. The learner is well versed in the subject area and is looking for diverse perspectives. Interest Day
Time Sessions before 12 pm Sessions after 12 pm Sessions after 6 pm

Developing Impeccable Writing Skills

B1 Mon, 00:00 - 00:50 (GMT + 3)
tutor Naini Lankas
Taught by:Naini Lankas
5328 classes taught
$4.99 / class

English for Everyday Conversations

B1 Mon, 00:00 - 00:50 (GMT + 3)
tutor Naini Lankas
Taught by:Naini Lankas
5328 classes taught
$4.99 / class

Preparing for IELTS the Right Way

A Mon, 00:00 - 00:50 (GMT + 3)
tutor Naini Lankas
Taught by:Naini Lankas
5328 classes taught
$4.99 / class

Polishing Your Grammar

B2 Mon, 00:00 - 00:50 (GMT + 3)
tutor Naini Lankas
Taught by:Naini Lankas
5328 classes taught
$4.99 / class

Learn How to Converse at the Workplace

A Mon, 00:00 - 00:50 (GMT + 3)
tutor Naini Lankas
Taught by:Naini Lankas
5328 classes taught
$4.99 / class

Building Confidence in English Speaking

B2 Mon, 00:00 - 00:50 (GMT + 3)
tutor Naini Lankas
Taught by:Naini Lankas
5328 classes taught
$4.99 / class

Speech Presentation: Learn the Skills

A Mon, 00:00 - 00:50 (GMT + 3)
tutor Naini Lankas
Taught by:Naini Lankas
5328 classes taught
$4.99 / class

Preparing for IELTS Speaking Test

E Mon, 00:00 - 00:50 (GMT + 3)
tutor Naini Lankas
Taught by:Naini Lankas
5328 classes taught
$4.99 / class

Mastering Day-to-Day English Vocabulary

A Mon, 00:00 - 00:50 (GMT + 3)
tutor Naini Lankas
Taught by:Naini Lankas
5328 classes taught
$4.99 / class

Developing Impeccable Writing Skills

E Mon, 00:00 - 00:50 (GMT + 3)
tutor Naini Lankas
Taught by:Naini Lankas
5328 classes taught
$4.99 / class

Communication for Job Interview

A Mon, 00:00 - 00:50 (GMT + 3)
tutor Naini Lankas
Taught by:Naini Lankas
5328 classes taught
$4.99 / class

Learn English for Journalists

E Mon, 00:00 - 00:50 (GMT + 3)
tutor Naini Lankas
Taught by:Naini Lankas
5328 classes taught
$4.99 / class

Why Students Love Our Classes

interactive sessionsInteractive Sessions

Our interactive sessions allow you to build confidence, improve fluency, and make connections that may come in handy in you current and future professional life.

academic levelsAll Levels

We offer English lessons for all levels ranging from elementary all the way to advanced levels. Whatever your level of fluency, you are catered for.

virtual reality sessionsModern Technology

Our sessions incorporate modern technology to create a virtual learning environment that resembles a real classroom, making learning a fun experience.

qualified tutorsQualified Tutors

We not only hire professionals. We also ensure that our tutors have a passion for teaching, coupled with many years of teaching experience.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do online English classes for groups work?

Our online English classes for groups are highly interactive and engaging sessions led by qualified tutors. These classes are designed to create a dynamic learning environment where students actively participate and communicate in English. The tutors are skilled in fostering an interactive atmosphere and ensuring that each student’s individual needs are addressed.

During the sessions, the tutor will employ various teaching methods, including group discussions, role-plays, collaborative activities, and multimedia resources to enhance the learning experience. The aim is to provide ample opportunities for students to practice their speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills in a supportive and interactive setting.

By actively participating in these online group classes, students can improve their fluency, build confidence in using English, and develop the necessary skills to engage in meaningful conversations. The tutors will closely monitor each student’s progress, provide constructive feedback, and offer personalized recommendations for improvement, helping students achieve their language goals effectively.

What is the typical class size for group English lessons?

Our group English lessons are designed to foster a collaborative learning environment. Typically, the class size ranges from 2 to 8 students. This small group size allows for personalized attention and ample opportunities for each student to actively participate and practice their English skills.

Please note that the class size may vary slightly depending on the specific program or course you choose. However, our aim is to maintain an optimal group size that promotes effective learning and meaningful interactions among students.

We do encourage students to secure their spots early, as our sessions tend to fill up quickly. If a session is already full, we offer the option to join the next available session or a session offered by an alternative tutor. If you find a session is already sold out, try looking for a similar course offered by alternative tutors or check your favorite tutor’s schedule for future sessions. Applying filters to the search results above will particularly be helpful during your search for alternative sessions.

Can a beginner join the online English class?

Absolutely! Our online English classes for groups are designed to accommodate learners of all English fluency levels, from elementary to advanced. Whether you are just starting your English language journey or have some prior experience, we have suitable classes to meet your needs.

To ensure that you get the most out of your learning experience, we recommend that you select the most appropriate level that aligns with your current proficiency. Here are the different levels we offer:

  • A1 (Elementary): Designed for learners who are at the beginner level and have limited or no prior knowledge of English. This level focuses on building a strong foundation in vocabulary, grammar, and basic conversational skills.
  • A2 (Pre-Intermediate): Suitable for learners who have some familiarity with English but still find it challenging to communicate effectively. This level helps learners expand their vocabulary, improve grammar accuracy, and gain confidence in using English in everyday situations.
  • B1 (Intermediate): Ideal for learners who can express themselves in English but may still make occasional mistakes and need to broaden their vocabulary. This level focuses on enhancing communication skills, refining grammar usage, and increasing fluency.
  • B2 (Upper Intermediate): Geared towards learners who can engage in conversations with confidence and fluency. This level aims to further develop language proficiency, expand vocabulary, and refine language accuracy in various contexts, especially for professionals.
  • C1-C2 (Advanced): Designed for learners who have a high level of English proficiency and seek to refine their language skills for more complex and specialized contexts. This level focuses on advanced vocabulary, idiomatic expressions, nuanced grammar usage, and fluency in both formal and informal settings.

By selecting the appropriate level, you can join a class where the content and activities are tailored to meet your specific needs and help you progress effectively.

How are the group classes structured?

Each online group English class follows a structured lesson plan that is carefully designed to achieve specific learning objectives. The lessons are thoughtfully organized to provide a comprehensive and engaging learning experience for all participants.

The class structure typically includes the following elements:

  1. Warm-up: The session begins with a warm-up activity to create a rapport between the tutor and learners, and to activate prior knowledge related to the topic of the lesson.
  2. Introduction: The tutor introduces the lesson topic, provides necessary background information, and sets clear objectives for the session.
  3. Content Presentation: The core content is presented through a variety of interactive materials, such as videos, reading passages, audio clips, or visual aids. This allows students to explore and understand key concepts, vocabulary, grammar, or specific language skills relevant to the topic.
  4. Practice Activities: Students engage in a range of practice activities designed to reinforce their understanding of the lesson content. These activities may include pair or group discussions, role-plays, interactive exercises, or worksheets. The tutor facilitates and guides the activities, providing support and feedback as needed.
  5. Speaking and Listening Practice: Emphasis is placed on developing speaking and listening skills through communicative activities. Students are encouraged to actively participate in discussions, debates, or collaborative tasks, fostering real-life language use and meaningful interactions.
  6. Error Correction and Feedback: The tutor provides constructive feedback and addresses common errors or areas for improvement during the class. This helps students enhance their language accuracy and encourages continuous learning.
  7. Wrap-up: The session concludes with a summary of the key points covered, a brief review of the lesson objectives, and an opportunity for students to ask questions or seek clarification.

By following a structured lesson plan, our online group English classes ensure that each session is focused, productive, and tailored to meet the specific learning goals of the participants.

How are the online English lessons conducted?

When you enroll for a course, you will find the necessary information for your sessions on the portal.

Before each scheduled session, a link to join the live session will be made available on your portal. When it’s time to join the session, simply click on the provided link, and you will be redirected to the virtual classroom or video conference platform where the live interaction will take place.

Within the virtual classroom or video conference platform, you will be able to see and interact with your tutor and other students in the group. The platform may include features such as video and audio capabilities, chat functions, shared whiteboards, and document sharing options. These tools are utilized to facilitate real-time communication, engagement, and collaboration during the online English lessons.

During the live sessions, your tutor will lead the class, provide instruction, facilitate activities, and address any questions or concerns you may have. The lessons will be interactive and engaging, designed to promote active participation and enhance your English language skills.

It’s important to ensure that you have a stable internet connection and a device such as a computer (recommended), tablet, or smartphone that supports the necessary platform requirements for smooth participation in the online lessons.

Rest assured that our team is available to provide technical support and assistance should you encounter any difficulties accessing or navigating the virtual classroom platform.

How long are the online group English classes?

Our online group English classes are structured to accommodate various scheduling needs. Depending on the program you choose, the classes may be offered as either single sessions or multiple sessions.

For single-session classes, each session typically lasts for 50 minutes. This duration allows for focused and productive learning while ensuring that participants can effectively engage in the lesson activities and interact with the tutor and other students.

In the case of multiple-session courses, the total duration may vary depending on the curriculum and specific program. The classes may be spread across several weeks, with each session lasting approximately 50 minutes.

Regardless of the class format, our goal is to provide you with an efficient and effective learning experience that accommodates your schedule and helps you make progress in your English language skills.

How do you determine the pricing of the courses?

The pricing of each course is determined based on several factors to ensure a fair and valuable learning experience for our students. These factors include the English level, specific learning objectives, and the qualifications and experience of our tutors.

English level plays a role in pricing as courses designed for different proficiency levels may require varying levels of expertise and resources to meet the specific learning needs of the students.

Course objectives also contribute to the pricing structure. Courses that have more extensive or specialized objectives may require additional resources, materials, or expertise, which can reflect in the pricing.

Furthermore, the qualifications and experience of our tutors are taken into account. We strive to provide our students with highly qualified and experienced tutors who bring expertise and knowledge to their teaching. The level of expertise and qualifications of the tutors can influence the pricing of the courses.

While we consider these factors in determining the pricing, we also strive to ensure that our prices remain affordable and competitive within the market. Our aim is to provide accessible and high-quality online English courses that cater to the diverse needs of our students.

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